Update on land north of The Green

Published: 03 May 2022

An update from Englefield Estate

In December 2020, West Berkshire Council granted outline planning permission (planning reference 19/01172/OUTMAJ) for the construction of new homes.

Over the coming weeks you may see a number of surveys taking place. This is not the start of the development, but it is part of the process of checking ground conditions, the precise location of services, etc as a precursor to the next stage in the planning process.

We are currently in discussions to find the right development partner to deliver high quality new homes in keeping with the Design Code that accompanied the planning application.

In due course, we expect the selected housebuilder to submit a further planning application to West Berkshire Council setting out the detailed design of the new homes and associated landscaping, etc. The process will be subject to a full public consultation, so there will be an opportunity for you to comment further. This will likely take place late 2022. We do not expect to see development starting until 2023.