Book a rapid test

Published: 13 April 2021

No Covid symptoms? Book a rapid test now

Rapid Covid-19 tests (lateral flow tests) are now available for all. Using this method for regular testing in the months ahead can help us all get back to normal. Here are the four main ways of getting tested:

Method 1 – Through our community testing sites (16 years and over).

Method 2 – Home testing options (for all ages). These options include picking home testing kits from our community testing sites, or from the West Berkshire Community Collect Mobile van, which has a designated daily route. Alternatively, home tests can be ordered by phone or online for those who are eligible.

Method 3 – Through your employer if they are participating in the testing workplace programme.

Method 4 – Through secondary schools, colleges and universities (for students and staff).

For more detailed information about accessing rapid Covid-19 tests, please visit West Berkshire Council’s lateral flow testing webpage:-

If you're eligible, book your COVID-19 vaccination

If you are aged 45 or over you can book your COVID-19 vaccination now. You can also book now if you are in one of the other categories listed below:

You can get the vaccine if:

  • You are aged 45 or over
  • You are at high risk from COVID-19
  • You are an eligible frontline health or social care worker
  • You have a condition that puts you at higher risk
  • You have a learning disability
  • You are a main carer for someone at high right from COVID-19

If you are in one of these groups and have not had your first dose, you can book your vaccination now. Call 119 or book online at

Three reasons to book your vaccination

  • The vaccine is safe and it works
  • The vaccine is how we will get things back to normal
  • The vaccine will protect you, your friends and your family