Published: 18 Mar 24
Precept 2024/2025 -
In 2023 at the height of the cost-of-living crisis Theale Parish Council reduced their precept request by 13% to support residents and committed to run on a tightly managed budget and use their reserves to support the service delivery and activities during 2023/2024.
During the last year Theale Parish Council (despite the decrease in income) purchased new equipment and provided new facilities for the community which included a new play park, new multi sports area, additional CCTV, new streetlights & a new path on North Street playing fields.
Having used our reserves, if we are to continue to provide community events/activities which include coffee mornings, youth club, community sports day, celebration D-Day 80, the Summer Fete and a new Christmas Light event for 2024, as well as taking on additional services previously provided by West Berks Council, which have been reduced as part of their “Balancing Our Budget consultation” (which took place January 2024) we had to make some difficult decisions.
This precept increase decision was not taken lightly and included many hours in a council meeting (which was open to members of the public) going through the proposed budget line by line ensuring best value for the village. The % is high compared to last year's reduction but the actual cost per household for the Parish Council to continue to operate efficiently and successfully in the coming year despite our increased running costs is less than £12.00 per household per month (based on Band D).
Theale Parish Council are currently recruiting to fill the two vacant councillor seats. We would welcome new people who would like to make a difference in the community joining our team of volunteers. Please do let us know if you would be interested and would like an application form.