Join YOUR Patient Participation Group
Published: 16 June 2022
What is a Patient Participation Group?
- It is a group attended by the Practice GP, Practice Manager and usually 6 to 10 patient members.
- The aim of the group is to support and improve the way services are delivered.
What does it do?
- Explore ideas and suggestions on how to improve patients’ experiences in the GP Practice.
- Encourage patients to take greater responsibility for theirs and their families’ health.
- Run small projects around patients’ education, health promotion and improvements to GP Practice environment .
What does it not do?
- It is not a forum to raise individual complaints.
- It is not a place to seek medical advice.
How do you join?
We welcome your support, ideas and suggestions in order to help us improve the health care that you need.
To sign up:
- collect a form from Theale Medical Centre or
- email us at
- visit the Group's webpage.